Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Solid States

The Research Institute of Solid State Physics and Chemistry (RI SSPC) of the Uzhhorod National University was established in 1992 by order of the Ministry of Higher Education of Ukraine on the basis of the Problem Research Laboratory of Synthesis and Complex Research of Semiconductor Substances of Complex Compounds.  Now it is the largest scientific unit of UzhNU with a developed material base and qualified personnel.

The institute's employees carry out scientific research together with professors and graduate students of the departments of semiconductor physics, solid-state electronics, inorganic chemistry, and applied physics. The professors of the departments are academic supervisors of state budget and farm contract topics, the institute's academic staff are involved in conducting classes, reading individual special courses, and preparing course and diploma theses. Students are widely involved in scientific work at the institute.

Structure of the institute:

 • solid state chemistry department,

 • Department of Physics of Solid Phases of Complex Compounds,

 • Department of Physics and Technology of Thin Film Structures,

 • laboratory of the theory of multicomponent structures.

 Main areas of activity

 • physics of phase transitions, energy states in complex structures;

 • the technology of obtaining new crystalline, vitreous and thin-film functional media;

 • primary converters and functional elements for receivers of optical, thermal and acoustic radiation;

 • optoelectronic systems of registration and information processing.

The director of the institute is Yulian Myronovych Vysochanskyi: academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, honored professor of UzhNU, head of the semiconductor physics department.


Follow the official website of the institute.


Responsible for information: Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Yulian Myronovych Vysochanskyi