The Centre of Historical and Religious Studies “Logos”
The Center for Scientific Research in Historical and Religious Studies "Logos" has independently or in collaboration organized 15 scientific seminars, roundtable discussions, conferences, and presentations. Some of the international conferences include:
1. "Religious-Political Transformations in Central-Eastern Europe in the First Half of the 20th Century" (in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Second Maramorosh-Sigot Process, 1913–1914) - Uzhhorod, February 8-9, 2014.
2. "Small Athos: Monasteries and Monasticism in Transcarpathia: Traditions and Modernity" (in celebration of the 1000th anniversary of ancient Russian monasticism on Mount Athos) - Mukachevo, October 3-4, 2015.
3. "The Origins of the Uzhhorod Union, the Canonical Formation of the Mukachevo Eparchy, and the Historical Fate of Greek-Catholic Churches in the Uzhhorod Union Tradition" (in commemoration of the 370th anniversary of the Uzhhorod Church Union) - Uzhhorod, April 22, 2016.
4. "Repressions of Totalitarian Regimes Against the Church (In Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Bishop Theodore Romzha of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy)" - Uzhhorod Greek Catholic Theological Academy, October 31, 2017.
5. "Mikhael Luchkai – a Faithful Son of His Church" - Uzhhorod Greek Catholic Theological Academy, December 3, 2018.
6. "Transcarpathia and Athos: Spiritual and Cultural Connections" (in commemoration of the 120th anniversary of Hieroschemamonk Avvakum (Vakarov)) - Uzhhorod District, Barvinok Village, Hotel Complex "Zolota Hora," November 6-7, 2019.
There were also presentations, such as the book "Confessors and Devotees of Piety in the Mukachevo Eparchy in the 20th Century" (Uzhhorod, Historical Faculty, September 30, 2011), and the collection of articles from the International Scientific Conference "Truth Will Set You Free...," held on December 4, 2015, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the legalization of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (Uzhhorod, Archaeological Museum of Uzhhorod National University, December 4, 2015).
Additionally, scientific seminars were conducted, including "Perception of Jews by Christians in Everyday Life in Soviet Transcarpathia" (E. Balaguri Archaeological Museum of UzhNU, December 11, 2015) and "The State and Prospects of Ecclesiological Studies in Ukraine," dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Research Center for Historical and Religious Studies "Logos" (Historical Faculty of UzhNU, January 27, 2016).
International project: "Ethno-religious conversions in the multicultural environment of the northeastern part of Hungary from the middle of the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century." of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences "Domus Hungarica" (September 2018 - March 2019). Co-executors of the project: Assoc. V. I. Fenych (head), Assoc. Ferkov O. V., PhD in History Sterr D. I.
Publications. NDTSIRS "Logos" in 2012–2021 published seven issues of "Scientific notes of the Uzhhorod University. Series: historical and religious studies" (chief editor, associate professor V. I. Fenych). In 2016, the French Chamber of Books assigned the international bibliographic code ISSN 2518-783X to the collection as a serial publication. Scientific notes of Uzhhorod University. Series: Historical and religious studies. Issue 1 / Editorial Board; Goal. ed. V. Fenych. Uzhhorod: Publishing House of UzhNU "Hoverla", 2012. 172 p.; Issue 2. Uzhhorod: Publishing House of UzhNU "Hoverla", 2013. 248 p.; Issue 3. Uzhhorod: Publishing House of UzhNU "Hoverla", 2014. 272 p.; Issue 4. Uzhhorod: Publishing House of UzhNU "Hoverla", 2016. 188 c. ISSN 2518-783X; Issue 5. Uzhhorod: Publishing House of UzhNU "Hoverla", 2016. 347 c. ISSN 2518-783X; Issue 6. Uzhhorod: Publishing House of UzhNU "Hoverla", 2019. 138 c. ISSN 2518-783X; Issue 7. Uzhhorod: Publishing House of UzhNU "Hoverla", 2021. 184 p. ISSN 2518-783X.
NDTSIRS "Logos" published eight monographs: Kichera V., Fenych V., Sterr D. Habsburg Church. Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese during the Austrian era (1771–1918). Uzhhorod: V. Padyak Publishing House, 2018. 168 p.: illustrations; Fenych V. Hrushevsky and Mukachevsky monastic centers of the religious life of the Ruthenians and Vlachs of the northern part of the Hungarian kingdom in the period before the beginning of the Reformation. Uzhhorod: Valery Padyak Publishing House, 2018. 196 p.; Kicsera V., Fenics V., Sterr D. A Habsburg church: a münkacsi grék katolikus ghízamegye az ostrák uralom alatt (1771–1918) / Ukránból forditotta: Ádám Dóra. Ungvár: V. Padyak Kiadója, 2018. 164 old. + ill.; Fenych V. Greek-Catholics of the Uzhhorod union tradition: myths, stereotypes, realities. Uzhhorod: V. Padyak Publishing House, 2019. 248 p.; Fenics V. A Hrusevói és a Munkácsi Kolostori Központok. A Magyar Kyrályság in the north part of the country élő ruszinok és az oláhok hitélete e reformátió kezdeteig / Ukránból forditotta: Nagy Nátálió. Ungvár: V. Padyak Kiadója, 2019. 180 pages; Fenics V. Az ungvári greçek katolikus unió hagyateka: mítoszok, sztereotípiák és a trávet. Ungvár: Valeriy Padyak Kiadója, 2020. 232 old.; Fenics V., Ferkó O., Sterr D. Vallási-etnikai konversiók Északkelet-Magyarország határvidékének multikulturális közegében (XVI. század közepe – XX. század eleje). Ungvár: Polihraphczenter "LIRA", 2020. 163 old.; Fenych V., Sadoha M. A brief outline of the St. Nicholas Church community of the village of Dorobratova, Mukachiv Greek Catholic Diocese. Mukachevo: "Carpathian Tower" Publishing House, 2022. 64 p.
Employees of the Center (V. Kichera, V. Fenych), together with the Uzhhorod Greek Catholic Theological Academy named after Blessed Teodor Romzhi, published a collection of conference materials: Repression of totalitarian regimes against the Church. Proceedings of the conference for the 70th anniversary of the martyrdom of Bishop Teodor Romzhi of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese. Uzhhorod, 2018. 182 p.