

A team of doctors from the USA came to UzhNU to develop promising areas of cooperation

A team of doctors from the USA came to UzhNU to develop promising areas of cooperation

On Monday, 6 November, a working group of doctors from the United States - Joshua Schiller, Mert Erogul, Eli Garmush, Sam Kim, Emily Anks, Eric Roseman, Ruben Straer and Amberine Slim - arrived at the School of Medicine of UzhNU. Throughout the week, the doctors representing SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University and Maimonides Medical Center, as well as the group's facilitator, Vice President of the Corvallis Sister Cities Association Pete Beaver, will get acquainted with the work of the Faculty of Medicine, develop promising areas of cooperation and assistance to the Faculty of Medicine, conduct lectures, practical demonstrations and trainings for faculty and students of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine #2. 

At the end of the visit, the results are planned to be approved by signing a cooperation agreement. Oleh Devinyak, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, says: "We are honoured to welcome our colleagues from the United States, who took the initiative to come to Uzhhorod National University. They are representatives of an international medical volunteer organisation. This visit was preceded by an introductory meeting in April, which helped to outline the current areas of work. The team of doctors who came to us specialises in emergency care. And they gladly agreed to share their experience and knowledge, and to conduct classes for students. In addition, we will look for new ways to cooperate." 

First of all, the team of doctors met with the Dean of the School of Medicine Oleksandr Baldizhar. During the meeting, the guests got acquainted with the structure of the faculty, talked to the teachers, told about their activities and demonstrated their support for the Ukrainian people. The meeting was also joined by the Dean of the Law School Yaroslav Lazur, who shared his ideas for future cooperation. Afterwards, Dr Ruben Strayer gave a lecture on emergency conditions to the students of the School of Medicine. In addition, the doctors prepared practical exercises for the students in the format of simulated situations - students were presented with hypothetical situations related to certain complaints and patient conditions. 



