Problematic Scientific Research Laboratory of Chemistry and Ecology

In accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the State Higher Education Institution 'Uzhhorod National University' dated September 30, 2021 (Protocol No. 9) and Order No. 16/01-04 dated September 30, 2021, the Problematic Scientific Research Laboratory of Chemistry and Ecology (PSRLCE) operates as a structural unit of the Chemistry Department (as of February 1, 2022, it has become part of the Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Ecology).

In its activities, PSRLCE adheres to the laws of Ukraine 'On Education,' 'On Higher Education,' 'On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities,' and the regulations governing the operations of the Problematic Scientific Research Laboratory of Chemistry and Ecology, approved by the Rector's Order No. 38/01-04 dated November 15, 2021

The purpose of establishing PSRLCE is to successfully execute state-budget, bilateral, international, and commercial scientific projects, as well as conduct contemporary fundamental and applied research to ensure an adequate educational level.

The activities and internal structure of PSRLCE, as a scientific structural unit of the Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Ecology, are governed by the decisions of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology, the Academic Council of the State Higher Education Institution 'Uzhhorod National University,' and are subject to the authority of the university's rector.