Conferences and Seminars


II Міжнародна науково-практична конференція
«Формат розвитку відносин України та країн Центральної Європи у контексті впливу гібридної війни, виборчих процесів та теми забезпечення прав національних меншин»

On May 3, 2019, an II International scientific and practical conference "The format of relations between Ukraine and Central European countries in the context of the influence of the hybrid war, electoral processes and problems of ensuring the rights of national minorities" will be held at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

We invite scientists and practitioners of domestic and foreign higher education institutions, graduate students and applicants, diplomats, civil servants, business representatives and non-governmental organizations to take part in the work of the international conference.

The invited speakers of the international event will, among other things, be scientists of the Faculty of Political Science of the Lublin State University. Maria Curie-Sklodowska (Poland).

The result of the conference should be search for solutions to the actual problems of the development of relations between Ukraine and the EU, with further publication of research results.

Participation in the work of the conference and the publication of abstracts are free of charge.

Contact person:

Shafranyosh Оlexiy, tel. +380997369762


Additional information by link:

