Educational and Scientific Cryogenic Laboratory
The Educational and Scientific Cryogenic Laboratory of the State Higher Educational Institution "Uzhhorod National University" is established for the successful execution of scientific, educational, and research activities and is a structural unit within the research part of UzhNU. In the cryogenic laboratory, university students familiarize themselves with the physical principles of cryogenic gas separation using the air liquefaction process, the techniques of working with cryogenic liquids, the construction of dewars for storing and transporting liquefied gases, cryostats, and the method of preparing installations for obtaining liquid nitrogen. The history of establishing the cryogenic station at Uzhhorod University dates back to the 1960s when the efforts of the founders of scientific research at the university, D.V. Chepura, I.P. Zapisotsky, V.O. Shkoda-Ulyanova, laid the foundation for the formation of the physical faculty departments. Research in the field of new semiconductor materials, atomic and nuclear physics, also required low-temperature experiments. Therefore, the logical continuation of scientific development at the university was the creation of a cryogenic division for obtaining liquid nitrogen (77.4 K) and oxygen (boiling point 90.2°K). Later, a helium station was added, expanding the temperature range to 4.2 K. It is worth noting that a significant role in the establishment and operation of the university's cryogenic division was played by Volkov B.Ye., who served as its head for many years. The creation of the cryogenic laboratory at Uzhhorod University provided new opportunities not only for physicists but also for students and researchers from the chemical, biological, and medical faculties. Each year, they use liquid nitrogen to cool samples to cryogenic temperatures while working on their bachelor's, master's, and research projects.