

Uzhhorod National University is developing the course towards innovation taken several years ago

Uzhhorod National University is developing the course towards innovation taken several years ago

Uzhhorod National University, the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration, the Transcarpathian Regional Development Agency and “Sikorski Challenge” Innovation Holding signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. The parties agreed to take a course towards innovation in the developemt of the Transcarpathian economy through the implementation of the regional programme "Creation and support of the cross-border innovation cluster of Transcarpathia".

As part of the agreement, it is planned:

- to create a Startup School at Uzhhorod National University;

- to hold startup competitions in Uzhhorod;

- to present the best projects at the annual international festival of innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge";

- to open  startup companies in the Transcarpathian region and support their activities;

- to attract investments to bring the products and services of established startup companies to the national and global markets.

 It is important to note that Uzhhorod National University, together with the Transcarpathian Regional Development Agency, submitted a project within the EU Sectoral Support to establish a regional startup school of innovation at UzhNU, which will increase the region's competitiveness through the development of the regional and local economy. Every student, graduate student, research and teaching staff member will have the opportunity to study at the above mentioned school and learn how to create, implement and manage an innovative business or project.

